Design And Engineering
Our Cross functional teams providing both Applications and Design support consists of experienced industry specific automation professionals. We provide Mechanical and Electrical Designers & Engineers. The Engineering Team utilizes a variety of tools including: • 3D SolidWorks Design • Fire and gas mapping and analyzing • PLC Programming • Testing and Simulation at workshop • AutoCad Electrical In order to meet the requirements of Customer’s project specifications and adhere to regional and International safety standards the Engineering Team will work closely with the Customer’s project stakeholders and local regulation authorities. The Engineering Team will work and support all phases of the Customer’s project. The Team will conduct onsite and offsite design reviews to ensure Customer design acceptance.
The ITS Integrated Automation & Control Systems Team is your best choice as a partner for so many reasons: Safety. Innovation. Experience. Expertise. Professionalism. Technology. Collaboration. Response. ITS plays a very active role within the automation and control space today as it has for decades, ranging from simple to complex solutions incorporating: • Motor controls, such as VFDs (Variable Frequency Drives), DC drives, soft-starts, etc. • PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) • HMI (Human Machine Interface), OCS (Operator Control Station), GUI (Graphical User Interface), DCS (Distributed control system), FGS (Fire and gas system), SDS (Safety distributed system). • Safety relays and associated system devices • Communications protocols that may employ copper, fibre and/or wireless technologies • Mechanical modifications for safety guarding and or operational improvement The experience and expertise of the ITS Automation & Integration Team provide the optimum value proposition for our clients.

ITS’s completions engineering, commissioning, start-up and ready for operations services are available to meet business needs anywhere in the world, regardless of size or complexity. Support is available for new applications as well as re-commissioning services for ITS and third-party products and systems. Services include functional test and on-site configuration of electrical, telecommunications and automation components, through full equipment completions, commissioning and start-up. Disciplined and integrated processes, software, work flow focus, cost management and safety make ITS an ideal partner throughout the life cycle of your ITS equipment.
Services include:
• Project management • Equipment emplacement, power up and check out • Functional verification of equipment hardware and software at site • Customer training • Control tuning and sensor correlation • Performance verification and documentation
• Improved schedule accuracy • Optimized resource allocation • Smoother installations • Faster start up • Lower cost • Improved efficiency • Optimized equipment performance
Automated Equipment is often highly complex machinery that includes a significant amount of electronics and sophisticated mechanical mechanisms. Accordingly, the maintenance and repair of this equipment can sometimes be time-consuming and difficult. To control costs, most companies try to minimize on-hand inventory. This operating strategy puts significant pressure on manufacturing to produce product consistently and without interruption, often 24/7/365. This means that the automated equipment used for production needs to operate at its optimal performance levels with minimal down-time. A decrease in equipment performance or frequent or prolonged down-time can have a significant impact on a company’s inventory and costs “It’s important to buy manufacturing equipment from a supplier who can also offer Service” As a service to customers of its equipment, ITS offers Maintenance & Repair services

Our inventive solutions have been time tested along with industry leading process and plant engineering and companies in Vietnam. We have evolved inventive solution for various industrial applications during last 20 years of our experience. Our value comes through our unique capabilities detailing of all the domains like plant engineering, electrical and instrumentation.
Systems are incomplete without trained personnel who can use them and provide first-level maintenance and support to ensure operational functionality. ITS training packages are designed to ensure a complete training cycle that includes familiarization with system sub-components, applicable standards, manufacturer’s manuals, and holistic system functionality. ITS offers extensive training programs ranging from On Site Operation and Maintenance Trainings for Operators and Maintenance Personnel to In-house System Configuration and Software Development Training for Automation Engineers. Below are our training capabilities: • Process Control, PLC, SCADA & HMI. • PLC, SCADA & HMI training in end user location. • Fire and Gas system awareness • Electrical apparatus application in hazardous area awareness ITS conducts thorough operational and maintenance training upon system completion prior to client use. The customer’s maintenance technicians and operators are trained on both usage and safety aspects of the system’s operation. Maintenance personnel also receive a review of the system maintenance manuals and are trained on the maintenance requirements of the system’s components.